Farm — Gn15
5'6" x 2'00"
Gn15 uses G scale (about 1:24th scale)
running on 00 gauge track to represent scale 15” narrow gauge. This gauge
was often used on estate and agricultural railways to allow for very light
construction and sharp corners.
Newland’s Farm is a fictitious example of such a
railway. Inspired loosely by fruit farming operations in Oxfordshire, the
layout shows a small yard where produce from the fields enters a timber barn
for sorting and onward shipment. There is also a small loco and wagon
workshop accessed from a turntable.
Trackwork on the layout is Peco 0/16.5 ballasted
using cat litter. Point motors are Tortoise and the layout is DCC controlled
— sound is planned. The brickwork is hand-painted using artist’s
watercolours on textured watercolour paper. The barn is built around a 3-mm
MDF shell overlaid with balsa and thatched with cotton ‘thrum’ (weaving loom
warp thread). The chicken coop, fences and yard gate are balsa wood. Scenics
use well tried methods with carpet felt for the grass, horsehair for the
hedge and twisted wire and Woodland Scenics for the trees. Locos and stock
are mainly built from Sidelines parts.
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